Industrial Electronic Board Repair
floppy to usb converter *RGB to VGA LCD converter* floppy to USB converter * floppy to USB converter* RGB to VGA LCD converter Welcome to Technotronics company website we have (floppy to usb converter) we repair industrial electronic boards * repair DC power supply * repair AC inverters * repair PLC modules * repair servo drives*repair LCD display * repair industrial CRT display* repair water damaged boards* repair CNC machines boards* repair socks machines boards*repair textile machines boards* industrial input/output boards repair*monitoring & control unit repair *stepper motor control boards repair* CRT& LCD monitors & touch screen repair * clutch break controllers repair * counters & encoders repair * medical monitors repair * utilities equipment repair * CNC machines boards repair *Foods industries electronic boards * Ready mode clothes machines repair * Forklifts boards repair * Glass machines repair * Marble machines repair * Ceramic machines repair * Packing machines repair * plastic machines repair * Embroidery machines repair * welding machines boards repair * equipment repair * industrial UPS repair
  Repair Service Links
Ultrasonic welding machine repair  
Soft Starter  
servodrives repair  
DC drives repair  
PLC modules repair  
AC inverter repair  
industrial power supply repair  
DCS & SCADA automation repair   
cpu boards repair  
monitoring&control units repair  
CRT& LCD monitors & touch screen repair  
industrial input/output board repair   
stepper motor control boards repair  
clutch break controllers repair  
water damaged boards repair  
counters & encoders repair  
medical monitors repair  
Utilities equipments repair  
CNC machines boards repair  
industrial UPS repair  
welding machines boards repair  
Embroidery machines repair  
equipment repair  
plastic machines repair  
socks machines repair  
ceramic machines repair  
packing machines repair  
marble machines repair  
Glass machines repair  
forklifts boards repair  
Ready made clothes machines repair   
textile and knitting machines repair  
foods industries electronic boards  

     Technotronics is middle size firm since 1999 it founded by Electronic engineer Sherif Elsayed Abulazm who work in this field for more than 25 years.

 technotronics located in 6 - October city - Cairo - EGYPT.

  • The activity of Technotronics is expert technical support for all factories in field of repair industrial electronic printed circuit Boards (PCB)
  • we provide expert repair for our customers range from small factories to companies with about 500 to 1000 employee.
  • we welcome international customers.
  • we have activity in automation field at expert technical support for factories in field of repair malfunction of automated machines and production lines,also make technical modification on machines automated control to improve performance and productivity.
  • Technotronics is small enough to care about every customer and job,and large enough to handle your electronic repair needs,if you still not contact with Technotronics untill now we want to hear from you today.
SM voltage suppressor
SMD capacitors code

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