*DC drives still untill now the most powerful speed control for heavy industries due to its torque, high stability, excellent for heavy driven mechanical loads.
*DC drives feed back may be tachogenerator,incremental encoder, or absolute encoder to get stability of motor speed.
*DC drive is suitable for linear forward direction rotation with used in many heavy industries as iron and steal industry, Plastic industry.
*DC drive control done by field control or armature control, 99% of control application be armature control. as speed be function of armature voltage directly proportionality. Percentage of repair DC drive in Technotronics company.
*DC drive up to 5KW can be repaired as
90% for power failure.
80% for control failure.
depand on nature of damage area of DC drive.
*DC drive more than 5KW can be repaired as:
80% for power failure.
70% for control failure
In 90% of repaired DC drive the repair cost be from 30% to 50% of new DC drive price with guarantee one year according to our guarantee conditions explained in our web site.